Our Philosophy

We want each child to feel like they are in their own Dreamland

Dear pupil,

In your future school, we are going to welcome you to a warm environment with love and empathy. We are going to hug you to feel safe and we are going to be the family you rely on during your hours here. We know how unique and special you are.

We will always stand by you and we will always help you become the great person you really are!

Dear parents,

When we started this Nursery School our goal was not to be like the others. Our dream was to create the ideal environment for our children to grow up. An extension of their own house with all the love the word “home” involves.

The ideal environment for our children to grow up, a home with unlimited love!

This is what we dreamed of and this is what we are constantly trying to fulfill with a warm environment and a spacious 500 m2 building with a beautiful garden and a backyard. What is better for a child’s upbringing than a home with unlimited love for every child who is going to be a part of our family during a crucial stage of their life?

Images from Oniroupoli - Dreamland

Here are some images of the installations of Oniroupoli - Dreamland, taken from the inside as well as the outside of the facilities.

Inside Space

Outside Space

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